Loan Repayment Protection

Peace Of Mind
Have you ever wondered how you’d be able to repay your loan in the event of you or your breadwinner were out of work due to accident, illness, or unemployment? Arklow credit Union offers peace of mind for affordable premium with Loan Repayment Protection.
Up to 24-month protection
No need to use your savings, Loan Repayment Protection will cover your credit union loan repayments for up to 24 months in case of accident and sickness and up to 12months in case of involuntary unemployment. It can protect your family from unforeseen financial hardship and help to keep your good Credit Rating Central Credit Register.
Affordable and Flexible
Loan Repayment Protection we offer is not based on age, gender, or medical history. Once you meet eligibility criteria acceptance is guaranteed! We have two types of protection:
cover at the cost of €7.99 per €100 repayments.
at the cost of €7.49 per €100 repayments.
Quick and Easy
You can apply for loan repayment protection when you apply for a loan with Arklow Credit Union. Please contact any member of our staff for further information.