Latest News

24 Jul 2024

ILCU Back to School research on back to school costs 2024

ILCU Back to School research shows that covering back to school costs is a financial burden for 62% of parents

16 May 2024

Credit Unions top the Ireland RepTrak® 2024 study

Credit unions have been ranked as the most reputable organisation in Ireland, topping the Ireland RepTrak® 2024 study ranking for the second consecutive year. With an overall score of 84.2, credit unions were the only organisation to attain an excellent score this year, ranking first in four out of seven of the key drivers of reputation - Citizenship, Conduct, Products & Services, and Workplace as well as taking first place in Trust to do the right thing, Fair in the way it does business, Ethical, Open & Transparent and other important reputation metrics.

08 Apr 2024

We are rolling out our Mobile Credit Union service to Avoca

First ever in Ireland, Arklow Credit Union rolls out its community banking service on wheels to Avoca, Co Wicklow with plans to extend the service further in coming months Arklow Credit Union has rolled out a mobile Branch on Wheels for customers in Avoca, Co Wicklow with the state-of-the-art technology bringing a wide range of banking services to communities there.

SME in Financial Difficulties

Information for small and medium enterprises in or facing financial difficulty

If your business is experiencing financial difficulties, it is important to communicate these issues to us as soon as possible so that we can work together to address them. Engaging with the credit union at the earliest possible stage gives us the best chance of finding a resolution that works for both sides.

We will consider any financial difficulties situation sympathetically and work with you constructively to find appropriate solutions. In most cases, by continuing to work together, we will find an acceptable alternative way forward.

The booklet attached below outline the definitions of terms such as arrears and financial difficulties. It is helpful to familiarize yourself with these terms and the procedures surrounding them. The most important step however is to engage with the Credit Union at the earliest possible point. Apart from our own internal processes we can also point you in the direction of other outside bodies who may be able to further assist your business in solving any trading difficulties it may be experiencing.

The Credit Union Information Booklet below outlines Arklow Credit Union’s procedures when dealing with SMEs in ‘financial difficulties’ and gives information on the support which will be provided by the Credit Union to SMEs in this situation. The Credit Union recognises that individual SMEs may differ by size and indeed sector and therefore each SME in financial difficulties will be dealt with on a case-by-case basis.

Steps involved in dealing with SME’s in or facing financial difficulties:

  1. Contact the Credit Union as soon as possible
  2. Inform the Credit Union of your concerns
  3. Agree an approach to resolve the situation
  4. Provide relevant and reliable information as requested by the Credit Union
  5. Complete any necessary documentation requested as part of the assessment
  6. Regularly Review your progress with the Credit Union and advise us should your situation change